The Folk & Lore Co. // update on Lucy X Lone


Tallinn, Estonia

Photo credit : | 2021

Photo credit : | 2021

Yes, I said I would write about it. Here it is. Folk & Lore Co. The shop has a soft opening in the summer of 2020. Vintage. Sustainable & handmade goods for your home & wear.

Here you can find your favorite flannels, cotton and linen dresses, home goods, carpets, and so much more. Lucy has a thing for stuff. I told her on occasion, she could just open up a vintage shop with all the clothes she owned at home. She once counted her jackets - the whole 147 of them and still counting, and yes, she wears every one of them. “How?” you ask me, she switches outfits 2-3 times a day, that’s how.

K (Katya Kass): Dude, I’m so proud of you! It’s amazing. It seems that anything and everything you set your mind to do, you just get it done!

L (Lucy x Lone): hahaha

Folk & Lore Co. can be found: WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK

Katya Russell